Friday, April 13, 2012

Twitter @sk2eet

Finally I am on twitter. After giving it a long thought, I decided it is indeed necessary for me to be on twitter. Follow me on twitter @sk2eet.

After doing some basic twitter setup, I am all set to beat Lady GAGA in twitter following...Ho ho ho ho !!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Facebook: Behind the scene Release Engineering

I just came across this excellent article which gives the details behind the team working on releasing and deploying the latest code on the site of Facebook. 

Enjoy reading this. It is one of the very few reads which also inspires you to learn how to code, for the rest of us, may be we can borrow and idea or two from this excellent piece.

PS: I hate writing these short posts. Boy I need to get me a twitter account and I should need that fast.

Apple's stock overtakes the stock price of Google

For the first time in history the price of Apple's share exceeds the stock price of Google. Very sad that Steve Jobs is not alive to see this. What a perfect timing for this to happen. Yesterday only Larry Page called Steve Jobs act of destroying Android an act of show and today Apple's stock surpassed the value of Google's stock. Hope this is getting Larry's attention.

At the close of the market this is what it looks like:
GOOG 632.32 -2.83 (-0.45%)
AAPL         633.68    +9.37 (1.50%)

I was reading over the internet and this is what some pro Apple analyst have to say about the rise of Apple's share - "First stop, Google, next stop Priceline, final destination, Berkshire Hathaway."

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Video: Google(X) - Project Glass

Watch the video below and see how Google is planning to revolutionize the way we see things. This has been in talks for a long time and it seems Project Glass is one of the very ambitious projects coming out of Google(X).

Amazing video.


Monday, March 19, 2012

Prometheus - Official Full HD Trailer

Alien meets Avatar and that makes me very excited to watch this one. Hopefully this will be another good one by Sir Ridley Scott.

Kiva robots in action

Amazon bought Kiva Systems for $775 million. Check out the press release here. Watch this amazing video below to see Kiva robots in action. Kiva Systems specializes in making warehouse robots.

The Skynet vision of James Cameron is coming true, slowly but surely.

My new iPad

It took me less than 30 minutes to buy the new iPad. I walked in to the near by Best Buy store on Friday night (16th March, the day Apple made the new iPad available). I entered the store at 8:50 pm and by 9:15 pm I was walking out of the doors of the Best Buy store with the new iPad. I might be the last customer to buy the iPad as the store closes at 9:00 pm. Who cares if you are first or last. Important point is, I was able to buy the new iPad and that to on the very same day it started selling out and that to without standing in lines for hours and hours or waiting for the mailman to come.

I totally loved the new iPad. The one I bought is black and 16gb. I wanted the one with 32gb but 16gb also works for me. As this is my first iPad I am in no position to compare the screen resolution and to me it is just magical. The reading experience on the new iPad is just awesome and I have no complains while watching the videos as well. The moment I unwrapped the new iPad and after going through the initial setup process, I downloaded the “Khan Academy app” as my first new app on the iPad. I guess I just don’t need to explain why Khan Academy as I have already wrote quite a bit on this blog about that.

I guess the new iPad or as a matter of fact any previous versions of the iPad or the iPhone are perfect examples of what Apple products are all about. While holding the new iPad in the palm of my hand there are various thoughts going on in my mind but there is this one particular thought I wanted to share – “Why the hell they took so long to put Sir in front of Jonathan Ive? “

My new iPad....loved it....totally.