I usually start the new year by writing something interesting and fun to read. This being the first post of this year is not different to what I have mentioned in the previous sentence. If you are interested in learning coding or computer programming and ran out of ideas to learn, then I am pretty sure you should check out the site of
Code Year.
Code Year is the brain child of the duo Zach Sims and Ryan Bubinski of the
Codecadmy fame. If you haven’t tried out Codecadmy yet, then I recommend going to the site and experience it for yourself. Codecadmy is created to help teach programming interactively. It is much better than reading and re-reading those thick computer programming books where the method of learning is kinda one-way. The best part is Codecadmy or Code Year will teach you about programming from scratch. There are no prerequisites to these lessons none at all and most importantly it is all FREE. You read it right…FREE. So far Codecadmy uses Java Script as its primary language to introduce programming but soon lessons covering Ruby and Python will be made available on the site.
Code Year launched on 1st of Jan’2012 have so far attracted 200,000 users who want to learn programming this year. When I registered on 2nd Jan I was preceded by some 19,100 users. As of now the site has seen some 210,708 registrations and they are increasing every second. The concept behind Code Year is simple, you register by providing your email address and in return the team behind Code Year will mail you the interactive lessons. I cannot explain much about that as the first email with the lesson details will start coming from Jan 9th and I am pretty excited about it.
Necessity is the mother of invention and that is exactly what Zach and Ryan have done in order to make programming fun and interactive. Zach coming from a non technical back ground have struggled a lot in order to learn how to code and hence Codecadmy was born. So far the site Code Year has gained lots of attention. People ranging from Mike Bloomberg (Mayor NYC) to VC Fred Wilson have registered on Code Year.
After running from coding for more than a decade I have decided to give it a try. I knew at some point I need to learn coding and I guess the time is right. So what are you waiting for? If you are someone like me who want to give coding a try then this is your chance. Go to the site of Code Year and register. I am sure it will be lot of fun.