Saturday, January 15, 2011

Survival of the fittest

I would like to start the new year by writing something about hope & survival. Hope as many of us would know is one of the most important factors driving our life. This is something on which our existence depends. Hope & survival becomes certainly important in these turbulent times. There are lots of stories out there about the survival of mankind and how people tend to overcome all those obstacles that came into their path and how they as a fighter defeated intractable problems and emerge as a winner on the surface of the earth. Interestingly the event I am about to discuss is the simulacrum of reality which happened not on the surface of the earth but beneath it.

On August 5th 2010, there was this unfortunate accident that happened in the San José mine in the Atacama Desert in the northern part of Chile leaving all the 33 miners trapped below 2,300 feet (700 meters) under the ground. With this incident started the most grueling & challenging rescue operation ever known to mankind. The 69 day survival of these 33 brave men is in itself the longest human survival period under the ground. Prayers from all around the world started coming in. With the help of advanced technical methods at their disposal the rescue teams were successfully able to pull all the 33 men out of the mine on 13th Oct 2010. The people around the globe were full of praise for these 33 brave souls and the kind of strength they have shown during this excruciatingly tough situation.

Most of the times this happens that out of a group of some extraordinary individuals there is one special person that got hold of your attention and left a lasting impression on your memory. Out of this pool of 33 trapped miners the one which got my attention with his elite & extraordinary commitment to life following strict regimen and discipline 2,300 feet below the earth is Edison Peña. Edison is 34 years old, 5’5 and a big fan of Elvis (Presley). He even requested the authorities to send him the songs of Elvis when he was trapped in the mine. After reading a lot about Edison I can only describe him as a person of rock solid determination, who is a strict disciplinarian and a fitness freak. Spending 69 days in such a brutal and punishing surroundings can alter the fabric of any normal individual, but Edison used this environment to prove that he is not wired like most of us. Edison used to run 6 miles (10km) a day in the mine. Now who would have imagined that someone who is on the way of getting entombed alive can have such a positive view towards life. His fellow miners confirmed that his running schedule became more grueling with the passing of each day. Edison was the fittest of the miners and was among the very first one to get a clean chit from the doctors post rescue. He not only survived those merciless 69 days but after the rescue also took part in the NYC 2010 marathon.

Here are some of my favorite pics and quotes of Edison while he was training in the mine.

Survival of the fittest” – This term was quoted by Herbert Spencer and was later used by Charles Darwin to support his theory of evolution. According to me Edison Peña is the live example to support this theory – survival of the fittest. I am pretty sure if someone like Edison Peña can utilize his positive energy under the ground he surely can do magical wonders above it. Respect.

Everytime I read about this incident the following narration happens in my mind  - "Honey where are my running shoes? Never mind I found them."

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