This is one of the most extraordinary projects I have ever seen which makes use of the LEGO blocks in order to recreate the computer which can accurately predict the time of celestial events such as Solar or Lunar eclipse. Andrew Carol who works with Apple got his inspiration from one of the oldest computers known to mankind. Greeks were behind the invention of this computer (100 BC) which is based on the mechanism known as Antikythera (Eclipse predictor) and was used to calculate the movement of various celestial bodies. There was a time when Greece was on top of many things but today Greece is on the verge of getting bankrupt. Reading the latest on Greek debt crisis here.
Carol’s model uses 1500 LEGO blocks and some pretty geeky math in order to resurrect this masterpiece. Watch the jaw dropping video below to see how it works and if you are someone who would like to explore the math behind this then visit the following link for more details.
In addition to building the Antikythera, Carol’s previous works include Babbage Difference Engine which again got build by using LEGO. Check this link to get the details for Carol’s Babbage Difference Engine.
This is extremely impressive and totally awesome. Now we know what kind of skills are required by someone who would like to work at Apple.
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