Tuesday, July 19, 2011

OS X Lion will be available tomorrow

The Lion will roar tomorrow. During Apple’s quarterly earnings conference call it was announced by Peter Oppenheimer (CFO Apple) that OS X Lion will be available tomorrow on the MAC APP store. As we all know that this release of OS X will only be available on MAC APP store and there won’t be any DVD’s so please don’t look out for any. If you are running Core2 duo or later and has OS X 10.6.6 or later then you will be able to download the complete OS via APP store. For someone like me, who is still running Leopard this would be a 2 step process. First I need to upgrade my Macbook to Snow Leopard and from there I need to upgrade it to Lion. I would be happy to know if someone knows the procedure of upgrading to Lion straight from Leopard.

There is this very interesting information from the site of Macworld explaining the upgrade procedure. Please check that out here.

Lion is the biggest wild cats out there so I assume that this would bring an end to the family of OS X. Apple only knows what they will introduce as a successor to the OS X. I guess there is still time to think about all that, for now let’s download Lion and see whether Apple succeeded in their effort of merging the iOS with the OS X.

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