Thursday, August 25, 2011

Book review: The Big Switch by Nicholas Carr

Last night I finished reading “The Big Switch – Rewiring the World from Edison to Google” by Nicholas Carr. This book is a pretty good primer for anyone who would like to learn about the basics of cloud computing or SaaS or Software as a Service. In addition to the simple writing style Nic Carr also educates the reader on how the world and our society got changed with the invention of electricity and how the computers and the internet are once again revolutionizing the world. I feel somehow the author is smitten by the technological developments at Google and I have no complaints with that. Time and again he refers back to what Google is doing and why Google is a leader in the field of cloud computing. I guess apart from Google there are pretty good players out there which deserves their names to be mentioned when discussing about the cloud but again Nic did an excellent job and covers all the major points related to the cloud in this book so no complaints.

I am trying to get back on my reading habit and will try to reduce my reading backlog. Though I having a tight schedule, but the good news is that I have completed this book in a short time. Next on my table and on my reading list are 2 very interesting books – “Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World's Most Wanted Hacker by Kevin Mitnick” and “The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis”. In the past in my blog “Hackerville” I have wrote about Kevin Mitnick and what he is capable of, go check it out. Michael Lewis is another amazing writer, and now I am confused which one to read.

I will probably go for the autobiography of Kevin Mitnick (Ghost in the Wires) first and after that will take on Michael Lewis. Reading is fun and I will make sure it will stay that way for me forever.

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