Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"Quora" - Changing the QA paradigm

I just stumbled upon this site – Quora (which is another QA - QusetionAnswer site). Quora is just in the line with Yahoo answers, Answers.com and ehow.com. The model is same as compared to any QA site where you post your questions from any field and experts reply back to you on your queries. What makes Quora different from any other QA site is that the people who reply back to your queries are industry experts, geeks, venture capitalist and CEOs with the likes of Marc Andreessen, Reed Hasting (CEO Netflix) and Marc Benioff (CEO Salesforce) . As in the case of other QA sites where junk and stupid QAs gets posted, there is a dedicated team of people working in Quora to make sure that only relveant answers and questions gets posted and all others are subject to be deleted without any review.

Quora was started by two former Facebook employees – Adam D’ Angelo & Charlie Cheever. D’Angelo who looks much younger than his age was the former CTO of Facebook and the childhood buddy of Mark Zukerberg. D’Angelo and Zuckerberg even attended the same high school – The Phillips Exceter Academy. It seems Adam was a better programmer than Zuckerberg and ended up securing 8th position in the 2001 USA computer olympiad. Adam graduated from Caltech and worked with Facebook during its initial stages and after graduation joined the company as its CTO. Cheever on the other hand graduated from Harvard and used to work on Facebook connect and Facebook platform according to the information provided by Crunch Base.

In 2009 Adam & Cheever founded Quora and since then the site becomes the hope for many knowledge seekers and providers. The algorithm of Quora works on the answer ranking system with better answers on top and this is something in line with the page ranking system deployed by Google. For more technical know-hows about Quora visit their wiki page or post your query on the site itself and someone will reply you back. According some sources the company rejected the offers from some big players which are ready to pay something in the range of $300 million to buy Quora. In March 2010 Quora raised around $11 million from Benchmark Capital and by all means it is capable of raising more capital.

Quora seems to be a pretty good startup and got the potential to expand. I’ve created my account on the site and will start using it soon. I’ll be curious to learn the business model of Quora and how they will generate the revenue for its investors (seems I got my first question to be posted on Quora)? Do Quora and hopefully you won’t be disappointed. Quora seems to be addictive and this is what the current users are saying. I agree with that statement (without even posting my first question) and the only explanation I can give for the addiction are it’s two co-founders who still have Facebook somewhere hidden inside them.

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