Monday, October 3, 2011

iPhone 5 + SRI + AI = Assistant

As we all know by now that Apple will be launching iPhone 5 (or as a matter of fact the new iPhone whatever that might be called) tomorrow and we all are pretty excited about it. I am sure the new iPhone will be rocking and will have tons of sweet & neat upgrades, but there is this one particular upgrade which I am looking forward to. If the hype on the web is all correct than it seems Apple will launch this very amazing upgrade with the new iPhone called “Assistant”. Year and a half back Apple acquired SRI, one of the early developers of this AI (Artificial Intelligence) based supercool voice recognition technology and hopefully once iPhone is released we all will get to see the technology in action.

Head over to this link to know more about “Assistant” and the related history behind it. In addtion to that there is this this interview with the co-founder of SRI - Norman Winarksy on the same link. Norman explains what to expect out of the merger of Apple & SRI and if "Assistant" gets launched tomorrow then how it can change the way we interact with smart devices.

Tomorrow is indeed a huge day for Apple and who knows with the launch of Assistant that might become a World Changing Event (as quoted by Norman in the interview). More on iPhone tomorrow, till then let the last minute rumor mill gets rolling.

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