Monday, May 16, 2011

Apple's OS X Lion uses Nuance speech technology

It seems that the speech recognition technology will be the next big thing for both Google & Apple. I blogged last week about the speech recognition functionality becoming the part of the Chrome web browser which got announced last week at the Google I/O and today I was reading that traces of speech recognition were found in the preview release of Apple’s OS X - Lion.

As seen from OS X Lion - System Preferences

Nuance one of the leaders in the field of speech recognition will eventually shake hands with Apple as the sample of voice translations found in OS X (Lion) were same that has been developed by Nuance. Though nothing is official yet but there has been significant development between Nuance and Apple and hopefully the functionality will become the part of both OS X and iOS.

Patently Apple use to give updates about the patents filed on the behalf of Apple and it released this very interesting patent information on the 12th of May where it has shown how speech to text and text to speech functionality is being planned to be the part of iOS. To get more details about this technology and its real time application and use go here and check. It seems someone is trying to make the SMS obsolete but again this is what ever changing technology is all bout. Can't wait to install OS X Lion on my macbook pro.

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