Monday, May 2, 2011

Illinois Marathon 2011

More than 18,000 runners and 3,000 voluteers makes the `Illinois Marathon 2011` one hell of a event. This is one of the biggest Marathons of the mid west and fun to be the part of. Me and wife ran the 5K on 29th April (our first official run as far as marathons are concerned) and I must admit it is totally worth it. The Illinois Marathon brings in around $10 million to the Champaign county which itself explains the substantial size of this event. If you are a runner and intrested then the next Illinois Marathon will be happening in 2012 in the last week of April (26 - 28th). The registration will be opening from July 2011 and the details for the same can be found out here.

Out of the two things I planned out for this year, one thing is surely happening and that is my running and the efforts towards it. The next big thing will be preparation towards my GMAT and I will try to accomplish that as well.

Summer is almost here so put on your running shoes and start running………

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