Friday, May 20, 2011

Party time..The World's coming to an end tomorrow

I guess you all came to know by now that the World is coming to an end tomorrow i.e 21st May 2011. According to some so called superhuman preachers (whom I call Mr X) tomorrow is the Judgement Day or Doomsday. Really ?? Oh Yeah !!

The brain of the man is one hell of a thing and every now and then it comes up with these nefarious ideas to cheat people of their money and time. What makes this equation interesting is that many of us do believe that what Mr X is saying is true and we just blindly follow each and every word delivered by him. So my friend if you are in sync with Mr X then tonight is the night to party and have tons of fun before the World comes to an end tomorrow. But hold on, do you really think the World is coming to an end tomorrow? Who cares, its party time.

Well folks according to me the end of the World is not an instant phenomenon. It is more of a slow destruction kind of a thing, something like slow poising something where you keep on losing something or the other over the period of time.

The people who predicted the end of the World for tomorrow are so very wrong. The end of the World is not tomorrow. The end of the World started the day human beings conceived the idea to invent the bullet, the invention of arms and ammunitions, no hard feelings for Mr Nobel but the day when he invented the dynamite, the day when religious fanatics lead their followers to believe that the only thing to make their religion popular is by forcefully imposing that on others, the day greed overtook man, the day human beings started to abuse the natural resources, the day when…..well this list is endless and practically difficult to compile and the the World will come to an end for sure if we all started giving out the ideas of when and how the actual destruction of the World started.

Oh boy!! That was a heavy dose in above paragraph and I am pretty sure that is not me who write all these words. I might be possessed by someone when I wrote those strong eye opener lines. Anyways fellow human beings and all the living creatures on this planet if you got hurt by any of my comments or actions then I am extremely sorry for that if you like anything that I have said or done then don’t thank me and as said by Peter Griffin in the family guy “just pay it forward.” Anyway after tomorrow I don’t think we have a chance or we'll be in a position to pay that forward to anyone as this is the end.

Let the rapture party begin...see you all next week...oopss...long live Mr X...check out my blog for the update on Apple's WWDC in June...ooppss sorry Mr X...long live Mr X...extremely excited to watch Transformers 3 in June and Mission Impossible 3 in December...what I am saying the World is coming to an end tomorrow...long live Mr X....Republicans or Democrats in 2012?...what I am talking about Doomsday is knocking on the door...long live Mr X...long live Mr X....

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